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We are now inviting business owners to join our campaign to tackle business crime together.

With a guaranteed ROI prior to sign up, email our Head of Online Fraud & Legal Services, Andy Hind, at…

Our CDOI membership can help businesses operating within the E-Commerce sector to eradicate claims fraud by strategically identifying those fraudulent claims and suspicious returns without impacting those genuine claims.

By working together alongside our members, the NBCS can identify those persistent offenders & identify those who are a risk to your business. Not only this, but our platform can identify problems within the carrier chain too.

Our platform provides end-to-end claims management through automated cross match analysis, an in-house civil recovery service & a persistent claimant insight.

The power of data insight is used through the NBCS’S software to improve the distribution of intelligence, helping you to tackle the threat of claims and suspicious returns.

Know your customers, know your risks.

With the cost-of-living crisis in full swing, online retailers are losing millions of pounds in fraudulent claims & suspicious returns each year.

The once loyal customer now has the knowledge to issue a claim on their order
which for many, has become a much more attractive option since disposable income has become tighter.

Can you confidently say that you recognise a legitimate claim from a fraudulent claim?

“As members of claims detect online, we have seen huge success from using this platform especially since covid & the cost-of-living crisis. Being implemented at CS level, our agents will manually input all our claim’s data into the platform along with suspect returns to cross match those persistent offenders. Taking less than a minute, our agents can quickly make decisions based on the information in front of them. Currently as it stands, we have an ROI that is not less than £250K PA based on a conservative and deliberately prudent calculation.
We have also decided to use their in-house civil recovery to recoup any losses we have occurred, either due to orders being refunded and then appearing to be a fraudulent claim or chargebacks which we have lost. Our success rate is notably higher than any other Civil Recovery platforms we have used and the rate of respondents paying in full upon receipt of initial comms from the NBCS is also much higher. What once started as a proof-of-concept piece of work for us from the platform, has now turned into a valuable revenue stream for us to recoup fraudulently gained losses. Whereas once internet chatter was a “how-to” guide to defraud us; is now chatter about how we will come looking to recoup these fraudulently gained losses.”

Online Fashion Retailer