Joining the NBCS allows your company access to the best business crime insights and intelligence available in the UK
Your membership gives you access to the following benefits:
Joining the NBCS allows your company access to the best business crime insights and intelligence available in the UK
Your membership gives you access to the following benefits:
Our data repository is where business crime data is submitted, shared and analysed, and has the following benefits:
With the data the NBCS receives we then carry out in-depth analysis to produce actionable intelligence for both members and stakeholders.
This provides the following benefits:
We also work in partnership with the Cyber Resilience Centre
For more information on NBCS membership email us.
Businesses are quickly informed about the potential threats they face, through email alerts and online dashboards that map out criminal patterns.
The NBCS helps member businesses work with the police, with our central data platform helping to highlight the full extent and scale of crimes taking place.
When these criminal patterns show signs of serious or organised offending, we then pull all the relevant information together and liaise with the relevant forces to ensure police and other enforcement agencies are aware of the issue and take appropriate action.
The intelligence we gather provides a strong evidence base that shows the impact of business crime. This enables the NBCS to work with the police, enforcement agencies and strategic partners to maximise every opportunity to better prevent, detect and prosecute offenders affecting member businesses.
By providing a solid evidence base on the impact of business crime this also gives us a strong platform to lobby both the Government and the police on behalf of the UK’s business community.