Our Truckpol membership provides businesses operating within the supply chain access to information and intelligence in real time about current risks and threats to safety and freight.

By working with members, authorities and partners nationally, NBCS is able identify active offenders and vehicles, emerging trends and raise series link investigations against organised offenders seeking to do harm to your business.

Incident capture and escalation is the key to providing your businesses with the insights needed to identify where your risks lie and guiding your businesses towards a solution.

NBCS provide a full incident management software which can be used by members to manage loss and risk strategies. We also work with a large network of suppliers which provide solutions to improve your defence against the impact of crime.


Knowing the Risk to your Freight and your People

The supply chain is victim to hundreds of million-pound losses attributed to theft each year. Freight is attractive to organised criminal gangs who make a substantial profit from stolen fuel, tobacco, alcohol, high value electrical items and much more.

How well do you know the risks to your business and people?

“Having worked in the security arena for over 30 years with various companies I can truly recommend the NBCS/Truckpol organisation. Their aim is to drive down industry sector business crime by understanding the risks, collaborating with members, speaking with external agencies, and developing relationships and intelligence to identify offenders and their methods.

How do they do this? They review emerging trends, gather intelligence,  liaise with our police partners nationally & conduct joint investigations against those who seek to harm our people, property and products.  At the Coop we pride ourselves on partnering with companies that have the same values and integrity as us and are happy to work with NBCS/Truckpol organisation.”

Danny Gent – Logistics Security Specialist at Co-Op


Working in partnership with the Cyber Resilience Centre