NBCS support helped save a member considerable time and money, intercept three organised crime groups, and stop them in their tracks.

The issue

Our member had reported incidents involving large-scale theft from customers’ vehicles across a period of two months. Beyond the personal loss involved, this criminal activity was driving business from the member’s sites, while the need to inform police was placing a considerable administrative burden on the organisation.

The cost

Our member would have had to dedicate 80 man-hours liaising with the police over the incidents, at an estimated cost of £8,000. Having taken on this role and recovered property at the point of arrest, the NBCS saved this member £9,000 in total.

How we helped

Using information provided by our member, we investigated the incidents on its behalf and were able to identify some of the vehicles used by these criminal gangs. From this we were then able to establish a link between the vehicles and a wider spate of offences.

Further enquiries by our investigating teams led to the police monitoring the movements of these vehicles. Acting as the central point of contact, our teams kept the police updated with information from the businesses affected and also fed police activity back to the member concerned.

The result

We identified a live opportunity for the police to apprehend the criminals and this led to the arrest of five individuals with links to organised crime.

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