NBCS stopped high-value thefts running at nearly £30,000 a month from a member’s stores across a wide geographic area.

The issue

One of our members had experienced 32 thefts of high-value items in only nine days. The offences were committed across a network of their stores, in areas covered by different police forces. This made it difficult to track the crimes and secure an appropriate law enforcement response.

The cost

In just one day our member sustained seven offences, at a combined cost of £1,750. Over the next nine days a total of 32 offences were committed, at an average cost of £960 each day, equating to losses of nearly £30,000 a month.

How we helped

Having warned other businesses about this emerging trend, initial work by our investigating team made the impact and scale of the offenders’ activities clear and underlined the threat they posed. By collating the incidents and sifting through the information, we established that the offenders were involved in widespread theft and refund frauds affecting numerous businesses across a wide area.

In the first instance, we liaised with the multiple police forces involved to make them aware of the scale of the offending and to help identify those involved. Liaison with the police network also revealed that the team of thieves was subject to an on-going investigation by a Major Crime Unit. This meant we could monitor the movements of those involved and share this information with the businesses affected, so they could take preventative action where necessary.

The result

Our team ensured that the police took targeted action against those involved. This lead to the timely arrest of the thieves, and a welcome end to the expensive thefts from our member’s businesses.

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